Wake up the world - one badge at a time

Wake Up badge

Artist, Mark O'Neill, is a man on a mission. He wants to wake up the world - one button badge at a time.

What does Mark want you to wake up to? Anything that is affecting the world, from fracking to the bedroom tax to illegal parking charges. Basically, whatever annoys you and wakes you up to what needs changing in our world.

Mark has taken his message (and his badges) to the likes of the Bilderberg Festival in Watford and to Glastonbury and Wilderness and the response has been amazing.

The thing is, people love badges. We've watched people take flyers at Edinburgh Festival and then deposit them in the first available bin, but give them a badge and it is immediately pinned on and worn with pride. Which means even more people get to see the badge and your message.

You can keep up to date with Mark and what he's getting up to next via his Twitter account: markoneill04

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PO Box 13339, Hawick TD9 1AF UK